Collections and Payment Posting

Collect more revenue without stressing out your team.


increased ROI due to collections


reduction in days sales outstanding (DSO)


reduction in manual effort in payment posting

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Denial Handling

Your first line of defense for all denials.

For any denied claims, our Collections and Payment Posting automation can identify the zero pay and the corresponding reason for denial, and pull required documentation from your EHR or PM to update the claim and resubmit. If the denial requires human intervention, such as a phone call or signature, the bot can immediately notify the appropriate manager to ensure the claim is resubmitted the same day. This drastically reduces the workload in denial handling.

Patient Responsibility

We’ll do the dirty work, and you’ll get paid.

After the primary payment has been applied to the claim in the EHR, our Collections and Payment Posting automation identifies the patient’s responsibility and the outstanding balance to be billed. It collects the primary EOB from the payor portal and attaches a cover sheet if needed before sending the patient responsibility invoice directly to the patient. It can proactively monitor for the receipt of the payment and update the claim accordingly. We can also send follow-ups to the patient to ensure timely collections.

Payment Posting

Payment posting on auto-pilot, accurate and speedy.

Our Collections and Payment Posting automation automates the payment posting process, eliminating errors and reducing the workload. It can log in to all payor portals, pull all remit data even if it resides on individual EOBs, and post the payments directly within your EHR. Automating payment posting means the payments will be applied perfectly, without error, every single time. This can drastically reduce the workload involved with understanding reconciliation errors and correcting preventable mistakes.

Collect more money, faster.

Higher capacity, less headcount.

Acquire and retain more patients.

Cara Perry

VP of Revenue Cycle Management
Signature Dental Partners

Everything is running 24 hours a day, and accurately, which is all you can ask for when it comes to RCM.

It's like training a perfect employee, that works 24 hours a day, exactly how you trained it.

Cara decreased days sales outstanding to 45% below industry standards

Achieving Guaranteed Outcomes and ROI

Join leading healthcare providers and:

  • Collect more money, faster
  • Higher capacity, less headcount
  • Acquire and retain more patients

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