Five Ways Telecom Companies Are Using RPA to Dial in Profits

Five Ways Telecom Companies Are Using RPA to Dial in Profits

Telecom companies automate their processes to increase efficiency, reduce errors, and improve customer service. Automation can streamline and simplify tasks such as order processing, billing, and customer support. This can reduce employees' workload and save time for more strategic tasks.

Automation can also improve customer data accuracy and ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. Additionally, automation can help increase telecom processing speed, allowing for a quicker response to customer needs and concerns. This results in improved CX by providing them with self-service options and instant access to information. 

By replacing human-executed processes with a series of smart bots, enterprises can significantly reduce operating costs while increasing employee productivity. Let's dive into how telecom companies use bots in their day-to-day operations.

Reduce Costs and Increase Productivity

Companies can reduce labor costs by up to 90% while increasing employee productivity. Enterprises can also decrease the time employees spend on administrative tasks and delegate such functions to bots, thus freeing up employees for higher-value work. When combined with other forms of automation, such as ML and AI, RPA can help telecom companies gain a competitive edge in the business world.

Accelerate Decision-Making Processes

Telecom companies face increasingly competitive markets and must make decisions more quickly to stay ahead. Unfortunately, many of their operations – particularly those related to finance, procedures, and human resources – rely on lengthy decision-making processes that add days or weeks to each task. By automating these processes with software, telecom companies can reduce decision-making times by up to 80%.

Ensure Regulatory Compliance

Regardless of industry, every company must ensure regulatory compliance within its operations. Telecom companies must be cautious, given the nature of their work, since non-compliance with regulations could endanger lives. With automation software solutions in place, businesses can ensure 100% regulatory compliance across all functional areas of the company, thus reducing risk and ensuring a safe environment for customers, employees, and others in their service area.

Align Operations to Business Goals

For a company's operations to be successful and profitable, they must align with the organization's core goals. However, many businesses need help to align their daily operations with their long-term goals due to outdated systems that produce mixed results. As part of an enterprise transformation initiative using RPA technology, telecom companies can simplify their business processes and align them with their overall strategies. This ensures that different departments work toward a common goal instead of operating independently in a chaotic environment.

Increase Customer Satisfaction

When customers contact a telecom company with questions or issues regarding their purchased services, they expect timely responses and quick solutions tailored to their needs. Unfortunately, many customer service representatives spend too much time on administrative tasks to find the information already available in their systems instead of working directly with customers who need assistance immediately. Using an automated solution helps telecom companies eliminate these operational bottlenecks from their business operations so that they can provide quick answers and explanations when necessary. 

The following are some initial considerations.

Understand the Business Processes

Organizations must establish a thorough understanding of the business processes they currently employ. This requires the participation of all stakeholders, including non-IT departments such as HR and Finance and IT Operations personnel. Ideally, organizations should consider documenting all their processes across each department. These process maps will help IT Operations plan how to use Robotic Process Automation most effectively to streamline operations without impacting the user experience.

Once these areas have been identified, the company can assess the feasibility and costs of automation. This includes evaluating the technical requirements, such as software and hardware, and the costs associated with the automation solution's development, deployment, and maintenance.

Evaluate Current Technology

It is essential to understand what software applications are currently in place and how they interact with each other using integrations or APIs. In addition, businesses should assess which applications might benefit from Automation one step at a time (considering ROI at each stage). Also, look at recent development trends like machine learning, natural language processing, and artificial intelligence to understand how these might impact your business in the long term. 

Map Current Integrations

Understanding all existing integrations between applications will help organizations determine whether Robotic Process Automation is appropriate for their various use cases or if more traditional approaches like Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) will work better. Be sure to document what happens after every interface and how close or far away the other applications are from this interface point in design and layout architecture. Remembering these details will be critical when designing new interfaces or modifying existing ones later on down the line.

After identifying and assessing potential automation opportunities, the company can develop and implement automation solutions. This may involve purchasing or developing software, integrating automation tools into existing systems, and training employees to use the new technology. It is also crucial to have a monitoring plan and to maintain the automation solution to ensure its smooth operation and to make necessary adjustments.

Evaluate Current Data

After understanding existing data sources concerning size, structure, and format, it becomes easier to decide where to extract information for use by Robotic Process Automation as well as where it will make sense to consolidate or normalize this data into a single source via Data Lakes or Data Analytics solutions depending on your organizational architecture. It is also essential to evaluate how quickly changes occur in this data layer so you can account for them during testing with RPA on environments mimicking real-world usage scenarios.

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Published On:

April 25, 2024

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