How can RPA and AI work together to provide better customer service?

How can RPA and AI work together to provide better customer service?

What is Robotic Process Automation (RPA)?

Robotic process automation is a software application that allows businesses to streamline their processes and increase efficiencies without needing additional staff. This type of software operates by mimicking human behavior; thus, by using RPA, a company can often automate repeatable tasks that would otherwise take human employee’s hours, if not days, to complete.

The first step in implementing RPA within an existing business is to identify tasks, procedures, and workflow processes that can be automated. This may include data entry, document scanning, checking bank statements, and many other routine operations. Once the practical tasks have been identified, the next step involves finding a suitable vendor to develop the required solution. Once created, this solution must undergo rigorous testing before being rolled out across the business. At all stages of implementation, it is essential to ensure continuity of service is maintained with pre-existing systems.

How can RPA help provide better customer service?

Robotic process automation (RPA) can be an excellent way for companies to provide better customer service despite shrinking staff. RPA allows companies to use software robots or artificial intelligence technology to handle repetitive tasks in customer service and other departments. This frees up human employees for more critical and challenging tasks.

Customer Self-Service

Increasingly, customers prefer to handle their problems rather than talk to an employee, especially if the issue is relatively minor or they don’t have a question but want to place another order or review past charges. With RPA, you can improve customer service by creating a website where customers can log in and access their account information, including previous orders and tracking information, so that they can check on the progress of current orders. With RPA software, the customer would also have access to FAQs and videos on how to solve common problems, such as placing an order. They would also have access to e-forms that they could complete and submit by themselves if they have questions or need help with something that doesn’t require immediate attention from a human employee.

Improving Response Time for Critical Issues

When customers call with questions or concerns about their orders or products, the company needs to respond quickly, so customers aren’t left wondering when they will hear from someone. Using RPA, it is possible for a company to significantly improve its response time to critical issues such as those presented by customers who call in with questions or concerns about their orders or products. Using RPA, humans would only need to respond if there was something beyond the scope of information captured by the software or if there was some special request from the customer that required a human touch. It might seem impersonal, but many businesses have found that quick responses let customers know someone has received their inquiry. Along with instructions, they can try resolving the problem themselves via self-service options at their convenience.

Improving Efficiency by Reducing Human Error

Using robotic process automation systems in customer service and other departments, such as accounting, improves customer service. It increases efficiency by reducing human error caused by repetitive tasks daily over long periods. Businesses tend to vastly underestimate how much time and energy employees spend each day simply trying to double-check their work because some error requires them to go back over what they just did again and again and again. After all, humans are prone to mistakes, especially when performing tedious tasks day after day, year after year. RPA significantly reduces this type of waste by eliminating most human errors while allowing employees to catch those occasional errors that slip through the cracks. The system also makes mistakes that occur more often than most people think; after all, today’s technology is far from perfect, especially when dealing with imperfect human beings who program them.

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Published On:

April 25, 2024

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