How can Gmail be Automated Using RPA to Save Time and Money?

How can Gmail be Automated Using RPA to Save Time and Money?

What Processes can you automate in Gmail using RPA?

Gmail automation using RPA is a process of doing tasks repeatedly without human intervention and also without relying on a human to do the job manually. Various methods can be automated in Gmail using RPA. Some of them are as follows –

Data Extraction

Data extraction is the ability of RPA technology to go through different documents or files and automatically extract or pull out the information into one part or piece. The extracted data sets can be stored in other applications like databases or spreadsheets.

Email Tracking

Email tracking is another crucial process that can be automated in Gmail using RPA technology. It involves monitoring the emails sent by an organization to various recipients and keeping track of their responses or action to the emails sent by the organization. In most cases, an email tracking process requires an email to be forwarded from one person to another within an organization before it reaches its destination. This can be easily achieved using an email tracking process in RPA.

Lead Scoring and Nurturing

Lead scoring is another crucial process that can be automated in Gmail using RPA. It involves assigning points to information based on specific parameters like sales potential, business size, past deals, etc. The leads allocated points will be given to sales representatives automatically so they can concentrate on closing big deals with their experience and knowledge instead of spending time on small leads to score more points.

What are the benefits?


Email automation via RPA allows users to free up valuable time within their workday. While most people use email for personal and professional communications, email has also become a de facto method for communication within the workplace. For instance, for many companies, email is still the preferred method for submitting reports, templates, forms, etc., regardless of whether those files are being sent internally or externally. With that in mind, it's easy to see how many organizations waste valuable time daily on essentially 'processing' emails and entering data into spreadsheets or other applications.


One of the best examples of automating Gmail to increase profitability using RPA is in the customer support department. Many companies offer their clients live chat, email, and phone support. Having someone available to help customers with their problems when they have them is essential in today's business world. However, not all companies need more people to fill these jobs. They can use RPA (robotic process automation) to do their work.


Audits are performed on emails to identify and remove spam, bulk emails, and emails from unknown sources. This task is crucial for email administrators as it helps them identify the spam percentage and prevents users from clogging their inboxes with unwanted emails. Removing these emails from the inbox also helps reduce users' time looking at their messages. However, audits can be time-consuming and are also subject to human error. This is where RPA can help with Gmail automation.


Security experts have repeatedly warned that once a cyber-criminal has access to a victim's email account, they can launch further attacks, steal sensitive information, and even access other accounts that share the same password.

Facing this threat, some companies have started to automate their security checks. One way to do so is by creating an RPA bot that monitors email accounts and automatically takes action to ensure they are secure. Here's how we did it with Gmail.

The first step was to create an RPA bot that checks the messages in an email account. Using Automate365, we selected a LogiBot action that reads the contents of an email. Then we used a series of comparison rules to decide if the message was: A standard welcome email from the service provider, A notification from a payment provider (e.g., PayPal), An invitation to join an online service (e.g., LinkedIn or eBay), A spam message An email from someone in the contact list An email from a stranger.

If the bot found a message from someone in the contact list, it would ignore it and move on to the following statement. However, if the bot found any other notices, it would take action. For example, if a bot found a payment provider notification, it would ensure payroll had made all outstanding payments. If not, it would send an email to let someone know so they can take action. Similarly, if the bot found an invitation from an online service provider, it would check if all invitations have been completed in the past 30 days. And if not, it would send an email to let someone know so they can take action. 

Can I use RPA to integrate data from other sources or software into Gmail?

Gmail is increasingly becoming the hub of the user's digital life. For marketers, it is a goldmine of information at your fingertips. You don't have to build that data manually anymore. Gmail has an address auto-completion feature based on users' behavior and history. An RPA bot can leverage that behavior to send personalized messages to customers. For example, if you sell cars, you can automatically add car-related products to your customers' Gmail. This will make your brand more visible to your consumer and increase your sales.

Check out the original article


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Published On:

April 25, 2024

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